🎉 Onboarding for Tech Leads

Welcome to UBC Launch Pad! Congratulations—and thank you—for stepping into a leadership role with us!

The functions and responsibilities of the Launch Pad leadership team are outlined in our manifesto. For detailed information on your specific role, please refer to the Tech Lead role description.

Welcome to UBC Launch Pad, and congratulations (and thank you!) for joining us as a lead!



If you aren’t already, make sure you are part of the Launch Pad Discord server (ask the co-pres for invite link). Once you join the server,

  • Ask the co-pres to be given the Lead and Tech Lead roles.
  • Change your server nickname to your name.

Feel free to read more about what you can do on our Discord server by reading the Discord manual.

GitHub Teams

Ensure you’re added to the following GitHub team:

Make sure that you are watching all relevant repositories so that you don’t miss any updates! To learn more about setting up your GitHub notifications, check our GitHub guide.

Google Drive

Make sure you are given “editor” access to the Launch Pad Lead folder and the Launch Pad Projects folder.